Hi Folks,
Now time to put the old money where the mouth is and do something, make something, think something, change something and/or create something. My friends and I have acclaimed 2010 the year of the return of creativity and in so doing started separate altered books projects. My friend the cosmic maid, Bev, sent me 2 books for alteration and I sent her one in return. Coincidentally one of the books she chose for me has brought up all sort of interesting things and I could not bring myself to tear it apart, so I scanned it and am using those pages to create my altered book. I guess that's what you get for working in a library...every word becomes precious.
This toe in the water has involved a bit of prep for me...but of course this was just me putting off having to actually do something. So this instalment is all about the preparation for the project.
Let's see if I can actually get my toe in the water!