Attention to detail brings a true reward
Find a job you like and you add five days to every week-- Jackson Brown, Jr.
This tarot image depicts sewing and all of its tools, in the foreground a woman in bright pink holds aloft her ever-ready, shining needle. She is ready to do what needs doing, the tape measure gives her away, she is mighty proud and reassured of her worth as she knows what she manufactures and repairs is done with her skills. Through the window of cotton spools is a young woman excitedly fashioning her wedding dress. She has placed the love she feels for her betrothed in every stitch and she is assured that even if there were faults in her workmanship, it will not matter one bit.
INTERPRETATION: The fruits of your labours are coming to ripening now. Enjoy and appreciate yourself for a job well done.
· In 8 of earth “Achievements” you are invited to use your particular or professional skills and talents. This tarot brings some material benefits, good health, perhaps a pay rise or bonus for something you have "designed" in any medium. Your projects of any type that was begun two years ago is about to come to a mighty climax, or alternatively this tarot is also good to meditate on when starting a new project, one that is long term [lasting for around two years]
- In 8 of Fire “Anticipation” you are invited to use your particular passions. This tarot brings you some ego enhancement, self-confidence, perhaps a new relationship or new passion for doing something. The new passions you find now are intense, old passions are also raising up a notch or returning to you. Until these new passions are apparent you may feel a great deal of anticipation.
- In 8 of Water "Horror" you will be called upon to use your particular healing abilities. This tarot brings you focus, emotional control, and "KEEPING YOUR HEAD ABOUT YOU WHEN THOSE AROUND ARE LOSING THEIRS". You may have to be a tower of strength in some difficult situation and may will come to depend upon you emotionally for a while.
- In 8 of Air "Patience" you will be called upon to use your particular knowledge and understanding. This tarot brings you eloquent powers of communication, and the knowledge to know when to speak and when to listen and a strong rational reasoning. Others are likely to admire your input and trust your judgement.
You are becoming known for making or doing something practical. Enjoy your work! Do not feel the need to do work at something you are unhappy with, as this is a kind of misery is one you can barely tolerate.
“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece”
---John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)
If you are unhappy in your work, this tarot indicates it is time for you to make a job change. If you continue to work in an environment that hurts or cripples you emotionally you will impede your growth. It’s time for you to end work that you really don’t enjoy and start doing things you do, if you cannot think of what to do first, go make yourself your own playlist [for old people like me itsa “mixed tape”]. Here are some songs that are great to listen to while you are thinking of what you want to make or do:
Peter, Paul and Mary: “If I had a hammer”
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: “Whistle While You Work”
Kraftwerk: “Das Model”
Jerry Lewis: “Typewriter”
One more chain I break
To get me closer to you
One more chain does the maker make
To keep me from bustin' through
One more notch I scratch
To keep me thinkin' of you
One more notch does the maker make
Upon my face so blue
To get me closer to you
One more chain does the maker make
To keep me from bustin' through
One more notch I scratch
To keep me thinkin' of you
One more notch does the maker make
Upon my face so blue
Cat Stevens: “Tea For The Tillerman"

Before doing anything take time out to reflect on what you do best and what you enjoy most then look for something that blends these.
You need to know what you really want before you go looking for it. If you still can’t think of what to do...find at least one song that would be a good addition to these songs already in our playlist. Be sure and post it on here so we can all share, always good to have something to focus on to help surprise your mind into bringing you a moment of inspiration for something to make or do. It will be fun to see if anyone decides to play along. You don’t even have to be searching for new work, everyone is welcome to participate.
Before doing anything take time out to reflect on what you do best and what you enjoy most then look for something that blends these.
You need to know what you really want before you go looking for it.
If you still can’t think of what to do...find at least one song that would be a good addition to these songs already in our playlist. Be sure and post it on here so we can all share, always good to have something to focus on to help surprise your mind into bringing you a moment of inspiration for something to make or do. It will be fun to see if anyone decides to play along. You don’t even have to be searching for new work, everyone is welcome to participate.
Certainly link and make suggestions to anyone you think would like to see these. Just please do not reprint as your own work.
Best Wishes,
Gabrielle Elliot, ©2011